Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Wednesday Weigh-In #6

Helloooo!  Holaaaaa!

Well today I broke my no-eating-out rule again.  A friend came over to watch movies and we ordered pizzas.  Boo on me.  I ate a whole bunch, but at least it was thin crust...right? At the gym today I did 500 calories to try and make up for last night's popcorn binge, but I just wasted all my effort with that pizza.  I don't know why I get cocky after a week or so of eating well and think this weight is just going to melt off.  Maybe this is why I've been feeling too good for healthy food lately.

I currently weigh 200 pounds.  Yay me!  I have lost 8.5 pounds since starting in January.  I am behind schedule to lose 50 pounds by Christmas Eve, but I did fall off the horse for a good three weeks there and have to re-lose that weight (how frustrating...).  However, I really need to step it up again.  I'm so very close to my first goal of losing ten pounds, and so close to my massage!  I haven't weighed something less than 200 pounds in over a year.  This is so exciting! 

 I'm really gonna turn it out the rest of this spring break. I've been doing really well at the gym, I just need to keep myself busy so that I don't stray into the kitchen to eat everything in sight. 

But yay 200!  I think I'ma go chill and read or something.  You guys have a good night/day!  <3


  1. Congratulations Girl!!!!!!!!!! By next week you'll be able to start counting in the 190's, you must be so excited!!!!!!! I hope you did a happy dance cause I am doing one for you right now!

  2. YAYYYY!!! Good for you Erika!

  3. Don't be so hard on yourself! You've done quite well considering. Try to figure out what triggers your cravings etc. If it's just being antsy, take up something that keeps you busy or better yet, try to meditate to avoid 'freight-train' mind. My two cents.
