Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Sunshine? Yes please!

Today was really a great day.  The weather was hands down my favorite weather - in the low sixties, sunny, light breeze.  If it gets any warmer than that I tend to melt (says the girl who wants to be an archaeologist in Mexico....real smart...).  So today I went out for a walk down to City Hall to register for an Introduction to Vegetable Gardening class, which ended up being full already, and then I wandered around downtown for a bit, had an italian soda and some chocolate gelato at my favorite cafe, and then walked home.  I was out walking for a good two hours and got some serious exercise in, which was good because I really didn't feel like being in the gym on such a gorgeous day. 

I came home and cleaned our kitchen from top to bottom.  It took me two hour because it was completely filthy.  We're all so busy we tend to let things go, and since we don't have a dishwasher the dishes pile up like nobody's business. I swear I would cook for myself more often if we had a dishwasher and everything wasn't dirty every time I went to make something tasty.  Tomorrow I absolutely have to tackle my bedroom, and I should really do some homework...ugh.  I'm never going to survive this next year.  I just found out I'm going to be able to graduate on time (I transferred in the middle of my sophomore year and technically had to switch majors, so I always thought I'd be graduating a year late), but in order to do that I have to take summer classes.  Talk about stresssss.  : /

Anyway.  Today I broke my rule of eating only me-made things.  First I had the gelato.  Although I did make myself dinner (the Turkey Taco Lettuce Roll Wrap Spin-Up Whatevers), my roommate wanted to get out the house and go to the movies.  Baaaaad idea.  I don't know what it is about the movies but I always eat like an asshole, as if I'm never going to see popcorn or slushies again.  And of course we went to the drugstore to get candy beforehand. I ate a bag of skittles and a bag of mini York Peppermint Patties (I would seriously whore myself out for York patties...I love them).  However, the Diet Gods were actually smiling on me for once - I unknowingly grabbed a bag of sugar-free York patties and consumed only 1/3 of the calories I would have otherwise.  Pretty awesome.  I think it's a sign that I just need to be more careful about my diet, and everything will fall into place. 

Wanna see my dinner?  Oh, I'm sure you're dying to. 

The taco mix cooking made my house smell pretty delicious, but overall I'm not sure if I'm a fan of the turkey in this use.  Since I don't like beef anyway, I feel no need to "replace" it with something more healthy - I would rather just have chicken.  But overall, not bad.  I'll definitely be eating the leftovers tomorrow.

And now for a little NSV.  Over Christmas Break, I bought myself these really cute, faux-quilted-looking black rain boots.  I'm not sure why I bought them, maybe because they were the only ones I could find that I liked, but they didn't fit over my big calves and if I stood in them they buckles and bent a bit in the middle.  Walking in them was hard because they would push themselves away from my feet with every step because they couldn't go up any higher.  Well I tried them on the other day and am happy to say that they barely bent in the middle at all!  My calves are definitely getting smaller.  That's pretty awesome.  : )

Well guys, I'm going to go watch a little HGTV (I'm obscenely addicted) and digest my 8493 pounds of popcorn.  Come back tomorrow for my weigh in!  <3


  1. Yayyy for smaller calves!

  2. It's funny what motivates us sometimes. When I lost all my weight (40 lbs) it was a way for me to thumb my nose at my then b.f. for being such a shit-head and so down on me. Challenges are good. What's tough is accepting the change for life. There's always times where you falter, which is why doing it for the right reasons is so important! Proud of you, it's never a bad idea to try.
