Sunday, March 14, 2010

Good start to the week.

Hey friends!

I'm happy to report good news for my first day of eating only me-made things.  So far, I have eaten just about 1000 calories today.  I haven't really done anything except workout, and I'm not really hungry.  Not sure if I'm going to use those calories today.  May save them for some snackies during a movie night I'm having with my friend Chris on Wednesday. 

For breakfast, I made real food!  Scrambled eggs, turkey bacon, and a tropical fruit cup that I just drained and threw on my plate.  A lot of people hate turkey bacon.  I've tried it before, years ago, when I was like thirteen at my friend Ashlee's grandma's house, and I remember liking it.  Today, I thought it was okay.  I do love bacon, but the turkey bacon has an interesting flavor.  I also like my bacon super crispy, nearly burnt, and the turkey bacon didn't crisp up like I was hoping.  It was a little chewy, but overall...not bad.  And 30 calories a slice is nothing to sneeze at.

My scrambled eggs look brown because I didn't want to look for another clean skillet and just scrambled them in the bacon grease.  Yummy, bacony eggs.  >.>

Taking advantage of my Spring Break Sunday, I slept foreeeeever.  I didn't get up until one o'clock, but then discovered it was actually two o'clock because of the time change, haha.  I slept for nearly eleven hours.  So fantastic. 

I didn't really eat a lunch because I ate so late and my breakfast kept full until way after I came back from the gym.  Instead, I had a four pieces of small bread leftover from a date night dinner Andrew and I had Friday night.  On the bread, I put edamame hummus I found at Kroger.  That's right, edamame hummus.  I have never in my life tasted something so delicious.  I'm addicted.  I may never eat regular hummus again, hahaha.

At the gym, I burned 250 calories.  I wanted to do more, but I started feeling kind of sick toward the end and went home to some stomach sickness.  I really wish I had some pepto in this house.  Gotta make a run to CVS soon.

 Also, I peeked at the scale this morning and was thrilled!  I'm gonna keep it a secret, though.  Stay tuned for the official weight on Weigh-In Wednesday!

Much love!  <3


1 comment:

  1. How funny - I made that pledge to myself today, too. I told myself that only on rare, planned occasions will I eat what I myself didn't make. It just drives me nuts not knowing what I'm eating. When I cook myself, I know exactly what I've added, how many calories, etc.

    Glad to see I'm not the only one!
    And hmmm, I have never heard of edamame hummus. Must try!
