Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Wednesday Weigh-In #2

So yesterday was a bust.  I knew it would be.  Oh well - the nasty side effects Steak n Shake gave me made me learn my lesson.

Today has been pretty good.  Went to GIS class, where I'm pretty sure I impressed my professor both with a homework assignment and my general ability to answer complicated questions about map projections even though I haven't taken the prereq for the class (I read the homework ahead of time and BAM, instawin!).  Then I went to work for two hours and go to work with my favorite people - and only ate two servings of cheese and a diet coke - then went to Spanish class, Archaeology of Ancient Mexico where I impressed another professor with my good and well thought-out questions, then I went and did an assignment for GIS in the computer lab in the Union, went home, ran to yoga, went to the gym and burned 250 on the bike and here I am! 

It seems like a long day, especially considering I got up early to get some homework done, but it didn't feel that bad.  I really enjoy my Wednesday classes. 

So yeah!  The weigh-in.  Well until I weighed myself, I was kind of in a bad mood even though I had a pretty good day.  Iono, blame the weather or something.  I did my bit on the bike, tried some jogging (that really didn't go well - my legs/ankles are still messed up) and then went down to the scale and discovered I LOST TWO POUNDS.  Yaaaaaay!  :D  This week, even though I haven't really eaten well, I went from 207.8 to 205.6!  I'm usually tempted to attribute success to water weight, but I've been keeping myself very well hydrated so I know it's actually real weight that's lowering. 

Only three more pounds til the first five!


  1. Great job erika! And thx for the comments on my blog as well =) One thing I will pass along from my trainer that has helped me tremendously is that in order to keep your metabolism working at the greatest levels... u should never go more than 4 hours without putting something in your body (preferable something healthy of course haha) when u do that - ur body goes into starvation mode and then tries to "hold onto" everything you put into it after that... Good luck and keep checkin in!

  2. YAYYY!!!! Congrats!!! So now that everyone I know and love is getting on the health wagon, I'm starting up at the Y here Monday. I will go after I drop Alexias off at school, when there is all old people there and it's not crowded. We are also eating less red meat and more salads for dinner. I will have to start off slow cuz I don't want to blow out my knee again, and I am actually looking forward to getting my ass in gear. A BIG THANK YOU for getting my ass motivated. I have a major surgery coming up and I don't want to be all porked up and I know my recovery time will be lessened if I drop some weight beforehand. Keep up the good work Erika, I am SO PROUD of YOU!!!!!! Hugs......

  3. Yay, Terri! That sounds like a good plan. And don't thank me, thank your son - he's the one who got my ass motivated in the first place.

  4. Yay Erika!! I knew I'd be reading something like this soon. ;) Just reading about your schedule kills me, by the way.

    So I just started a new job in a gym, and it came with a free membership (which is basically the only reason I applied >.>). I was wondering, how do you figure out how many calories you burn when you exercise? It seems like a good thing to know.

  5. Risa - most machines will tell you information like how many calories you're burning, what speed you're going, the distance you've done, heart rate, etc. If you're not on a machine, there's a lot of calculators out there you can look up for general exercise (like walking, jogging) where you just type in your age, weight, level of activity, type of exercise, and duration, and it'll tell you how many calories you've burned. has a pretty good calculator that I use a lot after my dance classes.

    Congrats on your new job! :D

  6. Hi Erika -- just checking your blog. Don't get discourage when you weigh yourself. I like to hear that you are getting more rest though. But, I enjoy reading your blog and reading your progress. Cuz that is definitely what this is -- daily you are making progress and getting to your goal each and every day!!! Wonder how I can lose a few pounds myself. With activity and ability being what it is?? Keep it up and I am constantly cheering you on from here!! Mom
