Saturday, February 6, 2010

Eatin' cheese on toast.

No, I don't actually eat cheese on toast (although it sounds kind of delicious).  It's from a Kate Nash song I can't stop listening to.

So, it's Saturday.  I don't eat well on Thursdays, but I did okay yesterday (I think).  Andrew and I did go out for pizza for dinner, but it had veggies on it and I only ate two slices (had the leftover slice for breakfast :D).  Today, all I've eaten is a banana, that slice of pizza, bread with Dutch sprinkles on it (yeah, the Dutch eat sprinkles on their toast in the mornings...I'm moving to the Netherlands), and a tea biscuit from England.  I have purposely not eaten much because I have plans tonight to go out to dinner to my favorite Mexican place with some coworkers that I really like.  Because I knew I was planning on having Mexican tonight, I did double duty at the gym - an entire hour on the bike.

So this is a point I want to make.  I want to make it clear that I am not on a diet.  I'm trying to lose fifty pounds, yes, but the healthy foods I try and eat are not a temporary thing that are going to disappear from my fridge as soon as I hit 158.  I'm trying to change my lifestyle here.  A lifestyle change doesn't mean that I can't eat pizza and Mexican food - it means that I can eat pizza and Mexican food, just not too often to make it bad for me.  And that I have to make up for it with exercise, which I have gotten plenty of in the past two days.  I do try to keep under 1300 calories most days, but that's only a general guideline and only because I really want to lose fifty pounds.  Most days, I don't even count calories.  I just try and eat well, and make sure I get my fruit and veggies and remember to go to the gym.

Well now that that's off my chest, let's have a week recap.  I was kind of discouraged at the beginning of this week before I found out I had lost two pounds, so I wasn't eating very well.  However, I did go to the gym Sunday, Monday, Wednesday, and today (which counts as five days because I did double duty).  I also had dance class Thursday (accidentally slept through it on Tuesday), so that helps too.  It's really my activity level that causes me to lose weight, I think, because as I just said I'm not that vigilant about not eating crappy things.  Perhaps that should change, but I need to give it time - I can't expect to overhaul my diet in a month and have everything go smoothly.  That's setting myself up for failure, which I know I can avoid by taking things at an appropriate pace.

Well, I'm off for some Mexican food - just wanted to check in.  : )

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