Monday, April 26, 2010


Just a quick post to let you all know I'm not dead.

School is killing me. Work is killing my back.  Lack of exercise/terrible food is killing my scale.

I'm quite sure I've gained back to 208, if not heavier.  I can't ever get enough sleep, so I'm always tired, so I always eat sugary/carby things because my body needs the energy.  Vicious cycle, if you ask me.

Also, I could get so much more homework done if I never had to sleep.  Or eat, for that matter. Sigh, evolution, adapt me to my lifestyle already!

Check ya later, kids.  Loving your blogs lately.  <3


  1. I MISSED YOU! I was wondering what was going on since I hadn't seen a blog in a while. I figured you were bogged down with homework, studying, work, finals, etc. School is almost over, then you'll have more time to concentrate on yourself. Don't fret. Love you, and miss you much! Can't wait to get my Patrick over here! Better start telling him the rules to Terri living now. No nails on my furniture, no pooping or peeing anywhere other than the litterbox, no boxing Cloe in the nose. WE will live in harmony if he follows the rules. See you soon!

  2. can't wait to see you. Love you, miss you. Will you be coming in on Friday. That's prom night as if Rachel hasn't already told you 100 times. Mimi
