Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Wednesday Weigh-In #1

Today I went to the gym and did my intervals around the track, and weighed myself afterward to discover I have not lost any weight.  Not at all.  The scale was fluctuating between 208 and 207.8 pounds.  I'm pretty pissed off about this, considering I've been faithfully going to the gym and trying to eat well all week.  Maybe it was the clothes I had on, maybe it was the time of day, maybe it was my monthly lady things, maybe it was all the gods ever invented smiting me.  Whatever it was, I don't care.  I'm just pissed, and disappointed.  I only wanted to lose a pound - one little pound.  Now I'm two pounds behind.  This is either an example of A) Just how hard it is for me to lose weight, or B) A prime example of my laziness when it comes to eating.  I'm gonna guess it's a little of both.  So, from now on, the physical food diary is going to be made use of - I'll write down everything I eat and drink every day, and tally up the calories at the end.  I won't go out to eat unless I've looked up some nutritional information first.  I'll focus on eating at least three servings of fruits and veggies daily.  I'll stop drinking pop completely.  My water bottle and my food diary will be my best friends.  I will be healthy, dammit!

I guess old habits die harder than I thought.


How 'bout some good news?  Yesterday, I went out and bought myself new running shoes!  I worked out with them for the first time today after wearing them to class/work/around campus all day earlier.  They are such fantastic shoes.  They're cushy and soft, and after I got home (before the gym), my feet didn't hurt hardly at all.  Usually when I get home at the end of the day, my feet are throbbing and I have to sit down.  I'm never going to take these shoes off, and when they wear out, I'll buy another pair.  Sorry Puma, but Nike just one-upped you.

Running in them was...amazing.  They must have made my exercise more efficient, because I was sweating a lot more today than I have before doing these intervals.  My stride was easier, and I didn't feel like I was struggling for every step.  Once I found my groove, I flew around that track.  I was able to (and wanted to) run longer and even a little faster.  I still did my usual intervals so I didn't wear myself out too fast, but before I knew it my half hour was up.  I wanted to keep running.  I liked running.  And if it hadn't been for the fact that my legs were killing me and that I had yoga to go to, I wouldn't have stopped.  Unfortunately, I'm pretty sure I have shin splints or something.  My shins were really hurting on Monday after I worked out.  Tuesday, when I got up out of bed in the morning I could barely walk.  It got better during the day, and today I was fine until I started jogging.  As soon as I finished my first jogging interval the pain was back, and it was bad.  I kept going, and it lessened a little (once I was warm, I think) but they're still sore.  I think I may work out on the bike on Friday and let my legs rest until next Monday.  I really don't want to end up with a stress fracture.

Well how about some food-diarying for today.

Breakfast: cheerios w/soymilk - 190
Snack: two servings cheese at work (but only two!) - 160
Lunch: small bowl of minestrone soup, PB&J sammich, diet coke - 63+~400+0
Snack: mini bowl of cheerios w/soymilk - ~100
Dinner: Healthy Choice dinner, apple, Jell-O Mousse dessert -400

Total: 1313  Nice!

Okay, well I have some grocery shopping to do.  I'm all out of my favorite cheerios.  : (  Nighty night.


  1. take out sweets, that's helped me a lot. Like instead of getting a candy bar or cookie, eat some fruit. The fruit usually tastes better anyway : ) and even though i know you are really freakin busy. when it rolls around to dinner time, cook your own dinner instead of microwaving. and this is what i've been doing a lot lately...eating salads. good grief i won't be surprised if i turn green for all the rabbit food i'm eating lately. buh! love you twinnie, you can do it! : )

  2. I weigh myself in the morning and it's always less than any other time of day. Also, the time of the month is probably a big factor. That is usually a 5lb weight gain for myself. I try to stay off the scale during those 10 days for me. I applaud all of your hard work Erika. You are doing great with the exercising and watching what you're eating. You have a ton more dedication than I ever had and I see a healthier, trimmer you in the very near future. I can't wait to see you next!! How is my grankitty? We miss him. Love you!!! Terri

  3. You guys are awesome.

    Bonnie - I have been cooking a lot more lately. Buying fresh stuff makes me cook it up so it doesn't waste and I don't waste my money. I think I am going to have to cut sweets out completely for a while - I just can't control myself when I'm faced with cookies, hahah.

    Terri - I really would love to weigh myself in the morning, because I've read that's closer to your true weight, but I don't have a scale at home, and I'm not gonna go the gym at the crack of dawn just to weight myself, hahah. Maybe I'll end up buying a scale for myself...who knows. And Patrick is great, getting back to his old loud whiney self, haha. : )

    I love both you guys! <3

  4. Erika you are doing a surperb job at this. The mere face that you are tackling school, work and other things IE: house, and all of life's other things. I appauld your efforts and your goals. You will achieve what you want with dedication, direction, and willpower. Just keep in mind though-- and I know this sounds like me worrying -- when you are running and hurting stop!!! You definitely dont want to do any damaage. KEEP UP THE HEATHLY EATING WITH THE FRESH VEGGIES and FRUIT!!!
