Sunday, January 31, 2010


Well I kind of fell off the horse at the end of this week.  I never eat well on Thursdays - I'm too busy, grumpy, and not at home enough to care about it, I guess.  Friday wasn't any better, and Saturday my boyfriend Andrew and I went to Sonic for lunch and then I went out with my friends to the bars.  I had a great time, though.  Wednesday's lack of weight loss just kind of made me wonder what the point of me trying so hard was if I'm not going to lose weight, but after some very nice comments from Bonnie and Terri (thanks, guys!  : D) I see that I just have to be patient and really stick to eating well.  I've read that if you do something every day for 21 days it becomes fixed in your brain as a habit.  Maybe that will happen to my diet - if I can stick to it for three weeks without eating too many crappy things, perhaps I won't want crappy things anymore.  It'll probably take a lot longer than that for my love of bad food to disappear, but I didn't gain all this weight in a day and I won't lose it in a day either.

Well, I had Sonic for breakfast (I know, I know, terrible..but it's such good hangover food).  I work at the library tonight, a place completely devoid of vegetables and completely stocked with donuts and bagels which I can get for free.  It's really hard for me to turn down free donuts, but I'm going to concentrate on not eating anything unhealthy tonight.  It's only four hours, I think I should be able to do it.  I have a lot of homework to do today, but I'm going to make healthyness a priority and go to the gym before work.  I may post again tonight, but definitely tomorrow.  I have to find a little notebook somewhere to use for a food diary.  Hmm...


I did make it to the gym.  I rode the bike for thirty minutes, burned 250 calories.  But at work, I had two donuts.  : (  Tomorrow is a new day!

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