Monday, March 1, 2010

Hellooooo, March!

Hey guys!

I know, I know, I haven't posted in over a week.  The reason for this is that last week nearly killed me.  I had an insane amount of homework pile up on my unexpectedly - I ended up pulling two all-nighters in a span of four days to finish everything on time, and I still had to get a couple extensions on assignments.  And then over the weekend I went to Evansville to celebrate my best friend's 21st birthday (hey girl hey, Bonbon!).  I got back in town yesterday afternoon, had to go straight to work, and then did homework and hung out with my boyfriend who I hadn't seen in about five days.

Because I was so overwhelmed/overstressed last week, I consciously let me eating slide.  I had enough stress (on Tuesday I was physically sick because of it) to cope with - trying to track and count calories would have been more or less impossible, so I made the decision to take the week off, so to speak.  But I'm back!  I know I've gained weight because of stress and eating my weight in chocolate because it's that time of the month, but I'm back to get on track again.  Wednesday is weigh-in day, since I switched to every other week.  Last time's weigh-in was 201.6, I believe.  I'm expecting to be around 205.  Even if I weigh more than that - even if I weigh 208.5 again - I'm just going to take it as inspiration to work harder.  I found a little notebook on my floor that can serve as a physical food diary, so that should help.  I feel really rundown after last week/weekend and I honestly think it has more to do with the way I was eating than the lack of proper sleep.  I'm also getting sick, so I've been trying to drink insane amounts of fluids.  I've probably had six water bottles full already today.

Has anybody done one of those Couch to 5K things?  Nicole, I know you have.  I was kind of interested in doing one, but I dunno...I really do hate running sometimes and other time I really love it.  Do you have to do something every day for it?  I don't know if I have the time.

Well, since it is March 1st, I'm starting to think about some goals for this month.  Feb-April always seems to be a weird time of the year for me.  I'm not sure why, though.  But maybe if I can set some goals (and stick to them...) I can get really get this year going.

* Eat out no more than twice a week.  Right now, I eat out a lot.  And I mean a lot.  Like dinner every other day.  During January I did a great job of cooking for myself, but I think homework/stress just got in the way of that.  Now, however, I have to save every penny I can - I got accepted for a field school in Mexico this summer!  I'm so excited, but I'm not excited to pay for it.  In order to pay for it, I really can't be financially frivolous.  Does anybody have good strategies for keeping track of finances/sticking to a budget?  It seems to be a skill I just can't master.

* Achieve 1,750 calories per week burned off through exercise.  I know that a pound = about 3500 calories, yeah?  So if I want to lose a pound a week, half through exercise, that means I should burn 1750 calories per week.  That's almost six sessions of 300 calories per week.  That sounds like a lot.  Does anybody else out there complete this much exercise?  Of course, I'm not sure how many calories I burn during my dance classes...maybe 200?  Does anybody know a site that will estimate this for me?

* Weigh no more than 198 on the last day of March.  This will put me at ten pounds lost, which means I will finally get my massage!  I need one so badly, I can't even describe it to you.

Well. I'm going to focus on those things for now.  I know I was asking a lot of you guys in this post, but I have ten readers now!  Yay!  Help me get back on the horse, guys.

Tune in next time as I pass along the award that Kerri and Katie gave me over at their blog!

Peace out, friends. <3


  1. OK, this is so funny because everytime I read about someone thinking about c25k I get all excited and want to comment. Then I saw the little note to me and I was like..oh! she knows! calm down Nicole!


    I love the getting back on track attitude. Don't let a gain get you down! I didn't write this on my blog, but I weigh everyday and I was actually down about 4 pounds thursday and gained back like two over the weekend. Not that I didn't want to be honest, but I felt like I should just move forward and focus on accomplishments, so it didn't come up in yesterday or today's post! haha

    You can make it 198! Let's buckle down and make it to our goals together!!

  2. Glad to have you back! Eat well tomorrow, and maybe the weigh in won't be so bad. Ya never know!

  3. I'm doing one right now, I'm on week 5, and so far so good!!!! It's really helping me build up my stamina for running. and its fun =D

    I do it three times a week, because that is all I have time to.

    Good luck with your goals!!! I know you'll do great on them =D

  4. I have faith that you will get back on track and do well this month Erika. I think eating out a lot is a downfall. I know if I get busy around here, and my kitchen is all cleaned, I HATE cooking so it's fast food for dinner. We have been hitting the drive thru's here a lot lately, but that is going to stop because I have put us on a STRICT budget. So, the one thing I have learned from being married for almost 22 yrs to Joe yourself first. Meaning, when you get your paycheck, put a portion of it in the bank and DO NOT TOUCH IT for any reason what so ever. Now you have this trip coming up, so I understand you won't be able to save a lot, but, even if it is a few dollars a payday, it adds up. Next, if you want to buy something, ask yourself, do I really need this? Can it wait? Will my life come to a crashing end if I don't have this? I ask myself that a lot, and it works. I tend to be an impulse buyer, so I REALLY have to talk to myself. I also try not to shop anywhere when I'm rushed or hungry. If you have to start buying clothes because you've lost weight, shop cheap. As you lose more and more, you will have to buy more and some things you buy you may only get to wear a few times. Shop Walmart, Goodwill, CHEAP. When you get to your goal weight, THEN buy yourself a couple of nice outfits for every season. If you need more hints on saving money, you KNOW Joe is THE MASTER of savings. Feel free to talk with him. We love you and wish you well on this month of saving, and obtaining your weight loss goal. :)
