Monday, February 15, 2010

Winter Wonderland of Death

So, yesterday, we got dumped on.  We don't really get much snow here in Bloomington (we mostly get ice storms, from my experience), but yesterday we got, oh...five inches?  Six?  I literally had to dig my car out today to get to the gym.  And even though the roads were so nasty that the bus I was on this morning slid six feet trying to stop, almost crushing a little plastic car in front of it, we still had class.  I just don't get it.  Oh well.

Today, I ate near-flawlessly. 
Breakfast: Raisin Bran Crunch w/ 3/4C Soymilk -250
Two cups of Pineapple Orange Banana juice (mm...I don't like to drink my calories, but I've been feelin' the sickies comin' on and decided I needed the vitamin C).  - 240 (and four servings of fruit!)
Snack/Lunch?:  Bag of carrots and grapes - 100 - and string cheese - 80.
Dinner:  stirfry and teriyaki rice!  300

Mmm, it was so good...and I even ate it with chopsticks!  Go me.  (And haha, look, I'm looking over my blog.  I swear my spare time revolves around this little website now, :P).  
While I was waiting for the stir fry to cook up, I was so hungry that I ended up eating four tea biscuits for a grand total of 320 calories.  Kinda sucked, but I was starving.  I need to find more food to bring to school with me on Mondays, I always end up so hungry.  

I went to the gym a couple hours after I ate, and was hungry all over again (damn Chinese food), so I had a slice of bread with some Skippy All Natural PB on it (seriously the best PB ever) for about 150.

So, total = 1440, which I am totally happy with, considering the kind of bad-eating weekend I was coming off of.  One of my focuses this week is going to be water - I haven't been drinking enough, I can just feel it. 

At the gym, I burned 250 caloires between the treadmill (still hate it), and the recumbent bike (still not my favorite), just to try something new.  I guess I'm either a track-jogging or upright bike kind of girl.  I also did the weights today, since I didn't go yesterday because of the snow (biceps, triceps, glutes, hamstrings, quads, hip adductor/abductor, delts, other assorted back muscles).  I don't do any ab stuff because I get plenty of ab work-out-ing from my bellydance classes. 

I might post tomorrow, but if not, look forward to my first weigh-in with my new scale! I might just name it the Redheaded Slut, after one of my favorite shots, haha.  Can you tell I'm a college kid?  Ah jeez...


  1. Sounds like a good day. Can't go wrong with a bowl of stir fry!!

  2. Amanda HopkinsFebruary 16, 2010

    Do you like the elliptical? I know some people can't stand it, but it usually burns more calories than the treadmill. Just FYI. <3

  3. Amanda -

    I like the elliptical, but after fifteen minutes it makes my feet go numb. I dunno why, but it's really obnoxious. : (

  4. Interesting info that I learned, did you know that bread is not actually a filling food? Its just....air....I was so dissapointed since I love eating bread thinking it would fill me up....

    I felt like someone told me their was no Tooth Fairy! lol

    I like your blog! Check out mine if you have the time!!!!!!!!!

  5. Ok I'm gonna try a stir fry! And girl let me just say that I HATE THE RECUMBENT BIKE but I LOVE the upright one! I seriously can only go half as fast on the recumbent and I feel like I'm just going so dang slow.

    So glad you found my blog so that I could find yours :)

  6. Amanda HopkinsFebruary 22, 2010

    Have not read new post yet, but re: the elliptical: my mom and I have the same problem on certain ellipticals, so it's not just you. It has something to do with constant pressure on the ball of your foot. My mom didn't pay attention to the numbness thing, and eventually her feet went numb for long periods of time. Bad news. Appparently it's a very common problem among women. So go treadmill, and go you!
