Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Excuses, Excuses

Oh man, I have six followers!  Hi, guys!  *waves madly* :D

So today has been a little weird.  My cat, Patrick, woke me up at five this morning.  I have to shut him in my room with me at night because his litter box is in the laundry room off my bedroom, and if I don't close the door at night it gets super, epically frigid in my room and I freeze and sleep worse than I do on regular nights when Patrick's trampling all over my face and boobs.  He's such a little shit sometimes, but I do love him to death.  How could I not love something this cute?

God, I'm a crazy cat lady in the making.  :P

Yeah, so I've been up since forever this morning. Had to work 7-11, had class til 2:15, worked 2:30-3:30, did a lab assignment for my GIS class til 5:30, walked home because I forgot I had driven to campus this morning, rode the bus to bellydance class, left at 7:35 to go get my car and come home, and I have to leave in 45 minutes to cover a shift for a coworker who's taking my Thursday night shift.  Basically, I'm going to be exhausted tonight, haha, and I have a mountain of homework to do. : /  Oh well.  Such is life, I guess. 

Well, the title of this post is something I've heard from my mom/grandma/assorted older female relative all my life.  Whenever I'd whine about having to do something, they'd look at me and say "Excuses, excuses, Erika".  And, lo and behold, they were right!  Hah, who'd have thought.  I realized today, as I ate a cookie from work, that I was using my busy schedule today as an excuse to eat whatever I felt like eating.  I was justifying the cookie and all the cheese I ate today by saying "Oh, I'm so busy today, I couldn't possibly track and stay under 1300 calories - I'll just stop altogether".  Perhaps I couldn't stay under 1300, since I'll be up for four hours longer than I usually am, but 1600 wouldn't be unreasonable since I would need two dinners.  But instead of finding a rational, healthy solution to my problem, I gave up for the day.  Super bad news bears, guys.  It's days like this (and the weekend) that I need to pay extra attention to what I'm eating.  Especially when I'm faced with these things at work all day:


Yeah. Lookit that.  That's what I work with. That and sammiches, pop, and various unhealthy things.  I wrapped all those cookies in plastic this morning, and I usually stock the pastry case when the donut man arrives in the morning.  And let me tell you, my campus dining program makes some seriously tasty pastries/cookies.  I guess eating a ton of cheese while I'm working and hungry is better than eating donut after donut, but it's still extra calories I don't need.    

From here on out, I'm going to put extra effort into not eating crap on Thursdays (or any other day I end up being super busy) just because I have a lot to do.  Life is filled with lots of things to do, and I will never reach my goal if I keep letting my diet slide.  I refuse to not reach my goal.  I've already lost almost seven pounds - that full body massage is so close.

I'm pretty sure I'm going to see a gain on the scale in the morning (if I ever make it to bed, that is...).  I think I may have to make a sacrifice and skip my daily Spanish class to study for a test I have in the class after, since I won't be able to do anything tonight.  I could be studying right now, but...oops.  Oh well.  We never do anything important in that Spanish class anyway. 

Well, I'm going to go find something (relatively) healthy to eat before work.  I'll talk to you guys tomorrow!  Thanks for reading!  <3

1 comment:

  1. Yea that would be hard to work around! lol The dieting gods are laughing at you I'm sure. :)
