Friday, December 10, 2010


Hi guys!  Just a nice short post today because I have an awesome loss to report and I've had some sweet NSVs today.

So according to my scale this morning I weight 206.5!  I'm really not sure how that happened in a week and a half, but I'm loving the velocity.  8.5 pounds certainly seems like a lot in 12 days, but I'm eating plenty and am not working myself to death.  I'm doing very reasonable, moderate cardio, reasonable strength training, and just a bit of yoga.  My MayoClinic food pyramid diet doesn't leave me hungry ever, and I still get to eat chocolate (just the right amount of it).  I'm feeling strong and alert and that if I continued my life in this vein forever, I would never feel unhappy with it.

Onto my NSVs!
1. My jeans, size 15/16 from Maurice's, the only ones I could wear comfortably at 215, are now sliding right off my ass.  I can put them on and take them off without unbuttoning or unzipping them, and spent a good part of my shift at work this morning hiking them up every two minutes.  And I'm so very close to fitting in to jeans I wore at 200 earlier this year.

2.  I ran for the bus today and didn't get winded.  I was at the bus stop talking on the phone to my dad, and my bus came before a bus that it usually comes after, so I wasn't standing close enough to the street for him to stop.  I needed to get on that bus, so I sprinted about a block down to the next bus stop and only needed a few seconds to catch my breath - and this was in the cold, carrying a bookbag.

3.  I walked up steps to the museum that usually are nearly impossible - today, they weren't.  For the past month or so I've avoided walking to the museum so that I wouldn't have to climb these stairs.  They aren't particularly steep, but after walking briskly there to make it on time they were just hard as hell to do.  And then I had to spend a couple minutes catching my breath before I went inside.  But today, I walked all the way there and up each little flight of steps and made it inside without being winded. 

Well I've finished a paper and am now officially tired and in need of sleep.  Have a nice night, blogosphere.  : )

EDIT:  Y'know, I've been thinking.  Although I'm really on a roll here, I'm going home for the holidays in a week and a half, and I know that my grandma is going to have plenty of delicious treats around for snacking on.  So I've decided to commit myself to this challenge: 20 Salads in December. However, I saw it a little late, so my December is gonna be extended to January 9th.  I've noticed that what I really seem to have trouble eating enough of is vegetables, and since salads are such a great way to up my veggie intake, 20 in a month should definitely help me stave off holiday weight gain by keeping me from eating too much rich food.

Well since I had two salads today, a caesar for part of lunch and a really delicious one for dinner, that leaves me with 18 to go!


  1. Yay! Here's to ass-sliding jeans! ..and buses that make you run?? hehe

